Mr. Ahmet Tamguney, Son of His Highness Ihsan Tamguney, the Sultan Father, Conveys Sultan Father's Opinions about Mr.Adnan Oktar.

Honestly he used to say “Allah bless our master Adnan. He is a great mujahid.”

He always prayed for him and spoke very highly of him.

He had a great admiration and love for master Adnan and he also had prayers for him.

He used to say “Allah bless him.”

He said “Insha’Allah Allah will rewards his struggles in this way.”

He said “he is our son.”

He also introduced him and endeared him to us as well... we did not believe or.. This is a great risk and it is not easy.

The things that happened to our master Adnan, we saw what happened to him.

It gave Sultan father even more enthusiasm that young mujahids, young men like yourselves were with him.

And he also prayed for them.

He prayed for them and for  their numbers  to increase.

Sir...He said  that they were under protection,

...and “yes maybe some tortures, this and that were done to master Adnan, but”

“they will never be able to stop his determination and struggle.”

And it is truly so, look, even though he was slandered and tortured and defemated in incomprehensible ways, what did he do? He never gives his dawah up. He did not give it up.

What did he do in the way of Allah? He struggled and he is still continuing to do so.

We modestly pray for him.

Allah prolong his life.

Allah spread his works throughout the world insha’Allah.

Alhamdulillah they already are spreading and the ground is shaking.

And we pray to Almighty Allah that all of our mujtahids are together with our master Adnan and support our master.

Allah bless him

That blessed master Adnan serves his cause no matter what by showing great courage and maturity to all these.

Allah would of course reward his good deeds many times more.

I believe with all my heart that he will insha’Allah be worthy of our Prophet (saas)’s intercession in the Hereafter  just like in this world.

Allah increase his struggle and strength and lift his weight off of his shoulders and so he insha’Allah continues his struggle.

Allah bless him.


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