New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (5 February 2016)


Imam Ali says: Watch for the riders with lead-colored horses and yellow flags that will come from the West of Damascus. They will settle in Damascus. This will be the period of great famine and crimson death. When this occurs, watch for the destruction of the village of Dimashq (Damascus) called Haresta. When this occurs as well, THE SON OF THE ONE WHO EATS LIVERS WILL COME OUT OF THE DRY VALLEY. He will sit on the minbar of Damascus. When this also comes to pass, watch for the coming of Hazrat Mahdi.

(al-Sharh al-Ihkak al-Haqq, Volume 29, p. 587 ,  Kitab al-Jafr, Imam Ali, p. 676)

This is a hadith we newly found; "Watch for the riders with lead-colored horses and yellow flags that will come from the West of Damascus." Lead-colored; look, do you see how he describes the military vehicles? There are no lead colored horses. Look, Our Prophet (saas) described military vehicles 1,400 years ago. "Watch for the riders with lead-colored horses and yellow flags that will come from the West of Damascus. They will settle in Damascus. -the YPG has a yellow flag- and this will be the period of great famine and crimson death." Look, ".. this will be the period of great famine and crimson (red) death." Our Prophet (saas) refers to an attack by the communists which are often called red communists as well. People will die because of the communists and a great famine; it has already happened. "When this occurs, watch for the destruction of the village of Dimashq -in other words Damascus- called Haresta." Haresta and the surrounding regions have already been razed to the ground. Bombardments have reduced it to rubble. "When this occurs as well,  the son of the one who eats livers called Sufyani will come out of the dry valley." In other words, the son of Sufyani is on the offensive right now and he is taking the whole of Syria by storm. "He will sit on the minbar of Damascus." In other words, he will regain control. "When this also comes to pass, watch for the coming of Mahdi (pbuh)" says Our Prophet (saas). Mahdi (pbuh) will appear after this. Look, he says, "An unrest will occur in Damascus. This unrest will be caused by a CHILDREN'S GAME." He says "it will be triggered by a children's game."  The civil unrest in Syria started because of graffiti written by children: Everything began after a few children wrote on a wall.


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